Connection Technology for the All Electric Society

| Transport

Harting is introducing a range of connection products for future railway engineering users

Harting is introducing a range of new products in its connector portfolio for the latest electric mobility systems

Today, over 90 % of rail transport is electric. This puts railways far ahead of automobiles in terms of CO2 emissions, while also making an important contribution to a climate-neutral future. In this context, Harting is introducing innovative connection technology for a green world.

“The future is digital, electric and sustainable. With our connectivity products, we are creating the necessary conditions for this. We are working on our vision of ‘Connecting the All Electric Society’ every day,” as Norbert Gemmeke, Managing Director GBU HARTING Electric, explains. The All Electric Society (AES) is the vision of a future world in which the entire energy requirements are covered by electricity.

The energy required to transform this vision into reality is generated by sustainable energy sources – such as wind and sun – and then converted into electricity and distributed as needed via intelligent networks.

Data and electricity must be able to flow unrestricted at all times in order to enable this. The Technology Group is paving the way with innovative connection technology and customised cable products that network the five sectors of the AES (Industry, Mobility Energy, Infrastructure and Agriculture) – and thereby transmitting data and electricity precisely where it is needed at all times.

Harting is focusing on the mobility sector and specifically on railway technology. This is because connectors are indispensable, not only in long-distance transport but also in local transport. Efficient rail vehicles providing maximum availability must be flexibly adaptable and minimise downtimes during servicing or repair work. Connection technology is making key contributions here, among other things, as a communication solution for passenger information systems and the provision of power for drives in the high-voltage range.

Harting has lighter interfaces and cable assemblies, which facilitate substantial weight savings. The Technology Group is also provides the digital product passport and the product carbon footprint (PCF) of its products.

Jonathan Newell
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