environmental-engineering.tech is owned and published by Concorde Publishing Ltd. Our aim is to bring the latest news and technology information to professional engineers every day, offering them industry insight, new developments and inspiring ideas.
Our editor is Jonathan Newell, who is an established figure in the industry with a strong engineering and publishing background.
News and special features are added daily to our growing archive, creating a rich and valuable information resource for anybody involved or interested in the protection of equipment from the environment and protecting the environment from industrial equipment and processes.
Within the wide scope of the engineering profession, we cover test and quality engineering, equipment reliability, cleanrooms and contamination control as well as emerging technologies relating to the Internet of Things (IoT) and vehicle autonomy.
With free access, free publication of news and free newsletter distribution, both users and suppliers have the world of environmental engineering at their fingertips.
Our other products
environmental-engineering-tech sits alongside Concorde Publishing’s range of print, digital and online publications. These include the main journal Testing & Test Houses and our technology publications DAQ, Sensors & Instrumentation, EMC Testing, Climatic & Vibration Testing, Aerospace Test & Validation, Automotive Test & Validation, Cleanrooms & Contamination Control, Electronics Testing and TestHouseDirectory.com.
Contact Us
The editors welcome news and article submissions (including technical articles, case studies and events details) for publication and the opportunity to interview key industry figures for our special features in online, print and digital editions.
For all enquiries about the website, in the first instance please contact either Jon Newell, Editor at jon.newell@concordepublishing.com or John Harvey, Sales Manager at john.harvey@concordepublishing.com