Engineering Charity Campaigns for Global Responsibility in Education

At its 20th Anniversary event, Engineers Without Borders renewed its commitment to global responsibility From earlier this year until March 2025, E... read more

Clean Electrification Skills Cluster

Greenpower Park in the West Midlands is being predicted to create a holistic environment for battery research Plans to place Britain at the epicent... read more

Oscillating Wind Panels Under Test

Alternative ducting-based wind power generation technology undergoes wind tunnel testing Green technology power generation specialists at Katrick T... read more

Test facility to assess sustainable road surface material

Aston University civil engineering experts and Miles Macadam to help make road surfaces more sustainable The material that Miles Macadam use in the... read more

Harsh Environment Micro-Processing

AdaCore is taking part in the SCHEME research project on high-integrity processing platforms for use in harsh environments The project involves a c... read more