AI could reduce battery testing by up to 70%

Automotive engineers using artificial intelligence (AI) can reduce battery testing by up to 70%, according to Monolith. During a keynote speech at ... read more

Worldwide battery capabilities ramp up

The USA and UK gain significant battery development and manufacturing investment As part of a worldwide push to increase capacity for the developme... read more

ID.3 Endurance Testing

The German ADAC organisation has put the VW ID.3 batteries and powertrain through full endurance trials The German Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-... read more

Range Enhancement Technology

Technical innovations in bearing design and thermal management are helping to improve electric vehicle range Worldwide, there are more and more ele... read more

Test Milestone For Hydrogen Power

Prototype goods vehicles will become test mules as testing phase begins for hydrogen fuel cell powertrains Zero-emission, hydrogen-powered commerci... read more